This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
Here's how to make a list:
You hear our words but you forget, push your fingers through the surface to the wet, we wait in the stains, we build you until nothing remains, in the name of the sound of the Name. Dadism is kind of an interesting style, though I would like to be able to find more examples of it. I could use some screenshots of the css.html file that the others are working on.
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
Why do we need two paragraphs? I don't believe that we do. The teacher seems to think that it looks better. I do not agree. The teacher says it is because no one wants to read a one hundred and fifty word paragraph. I hope this is true, because I do not want people to read this. I would be perfectly content to have this paragraph never read by anyone other than its author. I am now going to start a new topic. The topic is the fact that I am not going to make a new paragraph when speaking on a different topic. I do this because I was told not to. Repeat the word repeat the word repeat the word, egg cracks and the truth will emerge, a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy, you are home, you remind us, happy, hurt.
I know not what to write of lent, but this I know to be true; that it is very difficult to work with this erropr and I am annoyed at those precious few who thought the knew how to act and what to do, but end up ending our livlihoods by tossing off of an edifice of ill-gotten gains.